"Radioprotección: Nuevos Desafíos para un Mundo en Evolución"
12 al 17 de abril de 2015
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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The Organizing Committee of the Tenth Latin American IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection and Safety, which will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 12 to 17 April 2015, calls young professionals to participate for the AWARD FOR YOUNG PROFESSIONALS IN RADIATION PROTECTION IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN.

Purpose of the Award
The purpose of this award is to promote the undertaking of investigation effort by young professionals working in radiation protection in all its fields of competence.

This award is created as a prize for work done by young professionals, in order to help promote the interest and expertise of the new generations in the field of radiation protection in Latin America and the Caribbean, rewarding dedication and excellence. It also aims to encourage youth participation in the activities of the Societies of Radiation Protection in the region, consistent with the objectives of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA).

To qualify for this distinction young professionals are required:

  • a) to be under 35 years to date January 1, 2015
  • b) be the main author of a paper whose abstract has been approved by the Scientific Committee of the Congress
  • c) if the work has more than one author, other authors must give their written consent for the main author to be the candidate for the award
  • d) be officially designated by any of the Radiation Protection Societies in Latin America and the Caribbean, allowing each society to present at most 2 candidates
  • e) send an applications to the Organizing Committee of the Congress before December 30, 2014 via email to organizacion@irpabuenosaires2015.org
  • e) submit with the application the entire paper, according to the format stipulated by the Congress, for its evaluation by the Jury
  • f) ensure that the candidate for the award can participate of the Congress and make an oral presentation of the paper. In case the participant cannot assure his/her participation he/she will be able to apply for any of the scholarships that sponsoring organizations are evaluating to grant.
  • g) participation in this competition implies acceptance of these rules
  • h) any doubt about the interpretation of these rules will be resolved by the Organizing Committee in consultation with the Jury, if applicable.

In order to ensure objectivity and seriousness, the Award Organizing Committee of the Congress will appoint an ad hoc Jury, which will be composed by professionals in radiation protection with acknowledged experience and recognition. It will evaluate the written paper and oral presentations, according to the bases established in the working and evaluation meetings.

Three awards (First, Second and Third prize), will be presented to the commendable works and to the corresponding young professional lead authors, according to criteria established by the Jury. The decision is final, authoritative and the jury may declare void some of the prizes, if deemed appropriate.

The jury reserves the right to award special mentions in cases it deems appropriate.

The awards will be announced and delivered in the Closing Ceremony of the Tenth Latin American IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection and Safety, and will consist of diplomas and memorial plaques, requiring that all candidates for the award be present during this ceremony .

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