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ST 3.2 –
Protección radiológica en radiodiagnóstico
(orientada a la tomografía computada)
Costa, Rogerio
Universidade Estadual De Goias. Brasil
Responsible author, email: rogercosta1@hotmail.com
The good economic moment of our country has been providing an increase of courses in
technical area mainly in the field of radiology, which has raised the number of apprentices in the
field of stage in clinics and hospitals.
However, the shortage of placements and the fact that
many of these students are workers, has forced the institutions of technical education to seek
alternatives for the students to meet the workload of the stage in a time as short as possible.
For this reason, often the students are obliged to comply with up to 10 hours of internship in a
single day, in companies that often are not in accordance with the standards of radiological
protection. What has worried the authorities, because they believe that this exposure can raise
the damage caused by radiation. It is known that every person who works with x-ray diagnostics
should use, during their work day, individual dosimeter reading indirect, changed monthly.
However, in practice these apprentices do not use the meter for monitoring of doses in
probationary period. In This way, we measure the doses received us trainees using monitors
TLDs in the thoracic region with and without plumbiferous apron on stage with total workload of
150 hours, performed daily from Monday to Friday for 6 hours per day during 5 weeks and
performed to Saturday and Sunday for 10 hours daily in 7.5 weekends, with X-ray equipment
conventional. The results reveal that in none of the cases the dose reached the value of 0.2 mSv,
which is the minimum limit of reading dosimeter. We conclude then that the stages of
weekends, taken the preventive measures of radiological protection are safe and can be
performed without any prejudice with regard to the dose received, when compared to those of
lower daily hourly load.