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ST 4.3 –
Gestión de residuos radiactivos
Mota Vieira, Vanessa*; Oliveira de Tello, Clédola Cássia
Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN). Brazil.
* Responsible author, email: vanessamotavieira@gmail.com
The Project RBMN was launched in November 2008 and aims to establish, manage and
execute all tasks for implementing the Brazilian Repository, from its conception to its
construction. The concept to be adopted will be a near-surface repository. The inventory
includes wastes from the operation of nuclear power plants, fuel cycle facilities and from the use
of radionuclides in medicine, industry and activities research and development. The
implementation of the national repository is an important technical requirement, and a legal
requirement for the entry into operation of the nuclear power plant Angra 3. In Brazil, for the
immobilization and solidification of radioactive waste of low and intermediate level of radiation
from NPPs are used cement, in Angra 1, and bitumen, in Angra 2. Studies indicate serious
concerns about the risks associated with bituminization radioactive waste, much related to the
process as the product. There are two major problems due to the presence of products
bituminization in repositories, swelling of the waste products and their degradation in the long
term. To accommodate the swelling, filling the drums must be limited to 70 - 90% of its volume,
which reduces the structural stability of the repository and the optimization of deposition. This
study aims to evaluate of the properties of bitumen and cement pastes and mortars used in the
immobilization of waste radioactive.This study aims to look for solutions to dispose the
bituminized waste products in the repository, making them compatible with the acceptance
criteria of cemented waste products.