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ST 6.3 –
Protección radiológica del público y el ambiente
Werneck Affonso, Renato Raoni*; da Silva Borges, Diogo;
Lava, Deise Diana; Moreira, Maria de Lourdes;
Ferreira Guimarães, Antonio Cesar
Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear - IEN/CNEN. Brazil.
* Responsible author, email: raoniwa@yahoo.com.br
The building an effective barrier against ionizing radiation present in radiographic rooms
requires consideration of many variables. The methodology used for thickness specification of
primary and secondary, barrier of a traditional radiographic room, considers the following
factors: Use Factor, Occupational Factor, distance between the source and the wall, Workload,
Kerma in the air and distance between the patient and the source. With these data it was
possible to develop a computer code, which aims to identify and use variables in functions
obtained through graphics regressions provided by NCRP-147 (Structural Shielding Design for
Medical X-Ray Imaging Facilities) report, for shielding calculation of room walls, and the walls of
the dark room and adjacent areas. With the implemented methodology, it was made a code
validation by comparison of results with a study case provided by the report. The obtained
values for thickness comprise different materials such as concrete, lead and glass. After
validation it was made a case study of an arbitrary radiographic room. The development of the
code resulted in a user-friendly tool for planning radiographic rooms to comply with the limits
established by CNEN-NN-3:01 published in september/2011.