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ST 3.3 –
Protección radiológica en medicina nuclear
Barros Cavalcanti, Bruna*; Lopes Filho, Ferdinand de Jesus;
Eufrázio de Santana, Ivan; Aragão Filho, Geraldo de Lemos;
Barbosa de Oliveira, Pamalla Rafaelly ; Monteiro Mariz, Beatriz;
Siqueira da Silva, Islane Cristina
Instituto Federal de Educação,Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco – IFPE. Brasil.
* Responsible author, email: brunabarroscavalcanti@gmail.com
The nuclear medicine is a medical specialty that utilizes an equipment called of gamma camera,
which consists of detect and map the origin of the rays falls arising from of the administration of
radiopharmaceuticals in the patient. For it guarantee the good operation of the equipment are
carried out quality controls in defined periods. With the equipment already installed is
fundamental the acceptance tests achievement of the equipment, verifying like this itself all of
reference, about the which Will be based the tests of routine, based by the references
international of the international Agency of atomic Energy (IAEA) and NEITHER (National
Equipment you manufacture Association), in the predicted Brazilian application in the norm
regulatory for the service of nuclear medicine. This work aimed at the achievement of the tests
of acceptance in an equipment of the kind SPECT (single photon emission computed
tomography), of the Mark Siemens, model Symbia AND Dual. The results obtained show
normality with the parameters supplied by the manufacterer, this adapting a parameter for
comparision with future tests of routine maintaining to satisfactory precision of the information of
the equipment.