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ST 6.3 –
Protección radiológica del público y el ambiente
da Silva Borges, Diogo*; Lava, Deise Diana;
Moreira, Maria de Lourdes; Ferreira Guimarães, Antonio Cesar
Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear. Brazil.
* Responsible author, email: diogofisica@ymail.com
The determination of the dose profile is important to classify the level of danger which the
individuals are exposed (considering their positioning) in dental facilities. From this, this paper
aims to present a methodology capable of mapping the dose within dental rooms in three
dimensions. The methodology used for dose mapping in conjunction with techniques for
calculating shielding for dental facilities, provided by the National Council on Radiation
Protection & Measurements (NCRP), form a complete system able to generate meaningful data
on the safety of occupationally Exposed Individuals (IOEs) and of the public. As the dose is
strongly dependent on the distance, the estimated value of the initial dose was made in the
isocenter of the source. This value was adopted because the model of dose calculus tends to
infinity when it is desired to analyze points very close of the source. The model of room to be
presented, as a case of illustration of the methodology, was arbitrarily constructed to generate
better understanding of the problem. Its inclusion in the calculus was made through
discretizations performed with the aid of high-performance computers. This discretizations
allowed the obtain of dose values for an infinitesimal distance after the start point.